Story Writing Prompts

Story Writing Prompts

One of the best creative exercises I have encountered is trying to figure out how things work together. These story writing prompts are based on that idea. Here are several random puzzle pieces: title, plot, theme, setting, and characters. Can you put them all together to create an original story?

Refresh the page to change the writing prompt… feel free to mix and match suggestions until you find something that strikes your fancy. 

The Exploit, the Decent, and the Recovery

A story that explores youth and beauty through a conflict between employer and employee.


The setting is the backdrop to your story. A lot of times you can find inspiration to break through writer’s block by doing a little research. Try looking up the time and place here to find more ideas to flesh out your story.

Dodge City, KS - September 2031


Characters are the usually the most interesting part of a story. You will proably want at least 2 or 3 main characters: the protagonist (the hero), a sidekick, and an antagonist (the villian). A few secondary characters can help bring depth to your story as well, so we decided to give you half a dozen to start with. Which one looks like the most likely protagonist? The most likely villian? How are they all related to each other? Do they work together? Are they family? Neighbors? As you answer these questions you are building your backstory.

Shawnwell Walters
is a farmer who wants to prove how good s/he is to others.. He is generally caring and caring, but sometimes short-sighted
Sasha Strickland
is a sheriff who wants to find a purpose in life.. She is generally inspiring and creative, but sometimes reckless
Evelyn Baldwin
is a financial manager who wants to be unique and original.. She is generally patient and honest, but sometimes contemptuous
Samuel Carpenter
is a laboratory technologist who wants to eliminate any debts (financial or karmic).. He is generally caring and creative, but sometimes wasteful
Eric Robertson
is a maid who wants to help someone s/he cares about.. He is generally independent and logical, but sometimes blunt
Jazzell Ross
is a architectural manager who just wants sex.. She is generally persuasive and forceful, but sometimes shallow