The End of Writer’s Block: Vomit Writing

The End of Writer’s Block: Vomit Writing

While this technique has been talked about by several names, none seems quite as appropriate as “vomit writing”. It’s the best way I’ve found to break up writer’s block. What you do is set aside some time, 5-10 minutes usually does the trick for me, 

Help Creating Characters: Character Prompts

Help Creating Characters: Character Prompts

Looking for an interesting character? Whether it’s a main role, or a walk-on part in your story, you can get a start with these character prompts. If this character does not inspire you, you can get a new character by refreshing the page. Age: Career: Strengths: 

Setting Prompts

Setting Prompts

Setting is the time and place where your story takes place. The setting can create a mood, or add interesting facts to your story. These prompts give you a place with a map of the area. (hit refresh to get a new setting) Take a 

Title Prompts

Title Prompts

These title prompts are randomly generated – hit refresh to get a new prompt. How to work with title prompts: Think of this title suggestion as a working title for your story. You can always choose a better title once the story is completed. The 

Theme Prompts

Theme Prompts

The theme is the deeper meaning of your story. You might think of it as the “big idea” or the “moral” of the story. Keep in ming that no one likes stories that preach. In order to avoid that trap, try to pick a theme 

Relationship Prompts

Relationship Prompts

One of the things that can really fuel your story is the relationship between characters. This may be the protagonist and antagonist, but it can also be a relationship between one of your main characters and a minor character, or an subplot between two minor 

Plot Prompts

Plot Prompts

Plot is the series of events that happen in your story. These events should have a driving purpose. Your character wants something, and this is the story of how your character tries to get it. These plot prompts the kind of “big ideas” that recur 

Story Writing Prompts

Story Writing Prompts

One of the best creative exercises I have encountered is trying to figure out how things work together. These story writing prompts are based on that idea. Here are several random puzzle pieces: title, plot, theme, setting, and characters. Can you put them all together